Connect Communities


Connect is an integrated online environment developed ‘in-house’ by the Department of Education for staff, students and parents in public schools.


Whether you are a teacher, staff member, student or parent you are able to access Connect from the link below using your single sign on credentials.


Teachers and staff can obtain help guides and support documentation through the Learn Tab in Connect.


Student Access to Connect

To access Connect, students will need a password.  If your child does not have one, please speak their class teacher.


Parent Access to Connect

Participation in Connect is optional. If you would like to take part you will require internet access and a computer, tablet or smartphone device.  There is no additional software required and your access is free.

To register for Connect, please speak to the school administration about this process to be confidentially issued with your unique user name and password as well as access details for Connect.


We hope that you enjoy the Connect experience and see it as an exciting new way to stay in touch with your child's school journey.


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