Staff Charter

Staff Culture
All Braeside Primary School staff work in an environment of Respect where individual differences are observed, confidentiality is valued and the Staff Code of Conduct underpins all our actions and conversations. Staff recognise the importance of good communication. They attend necessary staff meetings, phase meetings or focus meetings and meet predetermined deadlines or timelines that benefit the good running of the school.

Collegiality and Professional Learning
Braeside staff work as a team. They share, support and develop professional knowledge in collaborative phase teams, mentoring pairs and performance management. In particular, performance management is recognised as essential to individual learning and is valued for the opportunity to celebrate strengths and achievements and to focus on areas for development.

In an environment of collegial support, staff are innovative and prepared to be challenged in their commitment to improve their pedagogy and student achievement. Staff recognise the importance of professional development that meets both their needs and that of the school’s priorities. New knowledge and skills are reflected in staff pedagogy and shared amongst themselves to maximise professional learning throughout the school.

All staff are accountable to the line manager for their performance and that of students too. Accountability is ascertained through informal and formal class visits, collegial discussion or meetings and performance management. Staff reflect their commitment to improvement through the implementation of the School Plan, school priorities and in their education programs for class, groups and individuals. They recognise the need to differentiate curriculum so all students experience success.

Staff recognise they are leaders and role models within the school community. Therefore they are professional in their dress and observe a smart casual code that does not include jeans or excessive adornments. Staff exercise professionalism in all dealings within the school community by observing and promoting the School Code of Conduct and encouraging and supporting the same in students. Braeside Primary School fosters high standards of performance by implementing system policy and requirements, characteristics of expert, effective teachers and communication of schools events, achievements, programs and news to the wider community. Staff are proud and happy to be a part of the Braeside Team which is reflected in their morale and willingness to go the extra distance in promoting best outcomes for all.